Lust4Rust or Shock&Awe Trip Enquiry / Booking
Please contact us as we would love to talk to you about coming on one of our trips. For your convenience we have added links to downloads for booking forms.
If you are wanting to book onto any of our trips please fill out, sign, and return the following forms. If you still have questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would LOVE to hear from you.
Here is a general check off list of what you will need to send through;
- Trip Booking Form for (International Trips)
- Trip Booking Form for (New Zealand ONLY Trips)
- Liability Release Form
- Medical Statement Form (in the same pdf as Liability Release Form)
- Copies of your Highest Certifications (just a picture of both sides of your cards will be great)

Boating and Diving is Risky Business! – so please take a look at these points to help you understand a little more about the risks involved in these activities.
Firstly, all our trips involve a certain amount of time onboard dive boats. We use many vessels of all shapes and sizes to suit the operations and activities undertaken.
Medical Conditions and First Aid onboard
All our Staff and Skippers hold a minimum of First Aid qualifications to complement our extensive first aid kits and Oxygen administration sets. But just realise that help could be some time away. Most of our dive sites are situated in more remote locations so if you have any specific medical conditions that you are concerned about please let us know beforehand and we can help you make a more informed decision whether that trip if for you.
New Zealand is well known for its fickle weather and ever changing ocean conditions. We constantly weather watch and if its looking questionable, we will always err on the side of caution. Please note that if needed some days might get cut short or even cancelled due to weather updates. Do note that it can get quite rough at times with seas picking up quite quickly. The skipper will adjust their speed to appropriately manage the sea conditions to make the ride as smooth and comfortable as possible.
Stability on Boats
While onboard the boat it is rare for everything to be completely still, so please treat the boat like an unstable platform. Please don’t leave gear unattended which is not properly secured. It could fall and injure yourself or others. If in doubt just ask the skipper and they will be able to help you. Decks may also be slippery when wet, protruding gear and sharp corners to injure yourself on. The vessel may make sudden movements so please take care while boarding, disembarking, and moving around, particularly if using the stairs (if there are any).
All the dive boats we use adhere to rigorous Maritime New Zealand standards, but certain moving parts and heavy equipment can still present dangers. The skipper will explain onboard safety procedures, including what to do if an emergency arises. Please pay attention to all signage, stay away from out-of-bounds areas, and do not interfere with crew activity e.g. anchoring, berthing etc.
Exposure Protection
Although most vessels have covered areas where you can shelter from the elements, it’s really important for you to bring appropriate exposure protection to keep warm in between dives. When it’s windy, rainy and cold, having warm fleecies and waterproof jackets, beanie and possibly a pair of gloves. These will keep you warm and happy. For burning hot days with splendid sunshine – watch out for the Kiwi Sun. Its Brutal!! So bring plenty of sunblock, a hat and plenty of drinking water. (it would be strongly recommended to bring all the above! – JUST in case!).
The Ocean
Once we arrive at our activity site for the day, you are encouraged to enjoy the marine environment, both on top of and below the surface.
NZ waters tend to be between 15 – 22oC so picking appropriate exposure protection, while in the water is really important. If you have any doubts as to the suitability of your gear, please don’t hesitate to contact us. All the dive sites will be relatively deep and always too deep to stand in. You will be fully briefed on the dive sites before you get into the water. Careful thought is taken to pick suitable sites. While we want you to have the best experience for the day, we still need to make sure you are safe and happy and diving within the parameters of your training and experience levels. Being the open ocean, it is impossible to eliminate all hazards. You may experience strong currents, surge, waves, white water and low visibility. We constantly update site choice based on “live updates” and site assessments.
Dangerous Aquatic Animals
Our beautiful waters are home to some of the most amazing and diverse creatures. Sharks, Sting Rays, Moray Eels, Scorpion fish, seals to name a few! Some of them can be potentially dangerous causing serious harm to you. The best approach would be to treat all life underwater you encounter as wild and potentially dangerous. Passive interactions are always strongly recommended. Look – but don’t touch! It’s best to give all animals a wide birth. That way you can enjoy these encounters in a safe manner.
Boat Etiquette
Unless you have booked a sole charter, you will be sharing your day with others onboard. Please be kind and courteous to each other. Keep all of your gear in your designated place. Dive sites will be chosen based on the level of experience of those onboard.
There might also be other vessels close by enjoying neighbouring sites. During all water-based activity there will always be someone on watch keeping an eye on everyone and always a dive flag displayed. Please ensure you also keep a good look out for other boats, jet-skis, yachts or alike, as serious harm can be caused through impacts or by spinning propellers.
Dive within your limits
Please stay within the boundaries of your training certification, experience levels and personal limits. If you have a buddy who is less experienced than you please dive to their training levels.
We look forward to having you