REBREATHER FORUM 04 Workshop Proceedings
The long anticipated workshop proceedings are finally out. If anyone is a Rebreather diver, then this text will really let you know where the industry is at with regards to Rebreather, safety, technology, training and what the future holds. A must read. Free to all.
Latest News, TRAINING Programs
AUG 2022 ADV WRECK Pen Course
Congratulations to Matt Savage and Mark Chapman on the successful completion of their Advanced Wreck Penetration Course. Good skills guys!
AUG 2022 Congratulations to Marcelo Ferierra
Congrats Marcelo on the successful completion of your APD Inspiration CCR program. Looking forward to diving with you mate.
FEB 2022 Moustafa- Inspo Helitrox
Feb 2022 Big Ups to Mous for the successful completion of his Helitrox Inspiration CCR program. Well done bud. I look forward to doing a lot of diving with you in the future mate.