MICRONESIA NAME: IJN OITE Destroyer LOCATION: TRUK LAGOON, MICRONESIA ORIGINAL OWNERS OF MODEL: Pete Mesley and Marcus Blanchford MF- IJN Oite by WorldWideWreckBaselineProject on Sketchfab NAME: Amagisan Maru LOCATION: TRUK LAGOON, MICRONESIA ORIGINAL OWNERS OF MODEL: Pete Mesley and Marcus Blanchford Amagisan Maru by WorldWideWreckBaselineProject...
WorldWide WRECK Baseline Project
WORLD WIDE WRECK BASELINE PROJECT Sealing the World's 3D models of Wreck Sites for all to enjoy. Our Main objective here is to combine the many talented works of divers globally, who take the time to 3D model wrecks thus securing their fate for eternity....